BSC caters for a wide range of swimming levels. Prior to starting, all swimmers are assessed by the Head Coach and placed into an appropriate squad.
Snapper Squad - Swimming Fundamentals
The Snapper Squad focuses on stroke technique and learning swimming drills. All strokes are explored during training sessions. Ages 7 - 9

Marlins Squad - Swim Skills Development
The Marlin Squad focuses on correct and efficient stroke technique and swimming drills. All strokes are explored during training sessions. Ages 7 - 9
Dolphin Squad - Swim Skills
In the Dolphin Squad, swimmers learn skills such as starts and turns while working on technique and drills. Swimmers are encouraged to join in at the club’s PB Challenges where they experience their first taste of racing. Ages 9-11
Barracuda Squad - Swimming to be Fit and Fast 
In the Barracuda Squad swimmers develop fitness with distance and skills in starts and turns with an introduction to butterfly. Swimmers participate in PB Challenges where they race to improve their ‘personal best’ times in a relaxed and fun competition format. Ages 10 -13
Mako Squad - Swimming to Train 
In Mako squad, swimmers are introduced to competitive swimming. They develop skills in starts and turns with an introduction to butterfly. Swimmers participate in PB Challenges where they race to improve their ‘personal best’ times in a relaxed and fun competition. Most swimmers in this squad begin to compete at regional and state competitions aiming for qualifying times. Ages 8-11
Intermediate Squad - Train to Compete
Swimmers train 3-4 times per week for extended fitness and racing in regular club competitions. Most swimmers in this squad also compete at Regional and Perth swim meets aiming for State Championship qualifying times. Ages 10 -13
Fitness Squad - Train for Fitness
Swimmers are encouraged to swim for fitness and friendship. This squad combines pool swimming with open water swimming, with some training sessions in the summer months at the Busselton Jetty. Ages 13+
Performance Squad - Train to Win
This squad focuses on performance swimming with swimmers aiming for State and National level Championships. This squad
requires special focus and dedication. Swimmer’s results will be considered, and their personal enthusiasm and willingness
to participate is essential. Swimmers are expected to be able to commit to attending 7 or 8 sessions per week. Ages 13+
- Each Squad has a level of competency for swimmers to achieve while in that squad. This includes consistent technique, ability to complete swim drills and distance for the squad as well as confidence in the water.
- Progression throughs squads is determined by BSC Coaches based on the swimmer's ability to demonstrate competency in key skills set for each squad. This ensures all swimmers in each squad are swimming and progressing at a similar level and are confident in that squad.
- Progression through squads is not age based but determined by demonstrated swim skills.
- Your child's best chance to rapidly progress is by consistently attending 2x a week for maximum benefit and skill acquisition.